On the Placement Test
To register for the subjects offered by the CJLC, you need to be evaluated for your degree of proficiency in Japanese. The evaluation is done through the placement test.
【Students who must take the test】
- Those who wish to audit CJLC subjects
(Detailed information on auditing CJLC subjects will be announced here before the beginning of each semester)
- Those who wish to take International Exchange Subjects
(Detailed information on International Exchange Subjects is found here)
* Students of U, J and M programs are supposed to take the placement test in the specified way in each program.
【About the test】
You are supposed to take the placement test divided into three areas (grammar, kanji and composition) on the Osaka University CLE system (Learning Management System)
【How to apply】
Please answer the Forms blow if you want to take “the placement test”. We will inform your ID and Password to login the CLE system and the manual of the placement test to E-mail address you answered.
Application for Placement test : https://forms.office.com/r/qrfRNxpvQ4
Application Deadline: February 25, 2025 (Tue.) 16:00
【Placement test period】
Fall -Winter Terms: February 18 (Tue.) – February 26 (Wed.), 2025
【How to check your own level】
You can confirm your own level on CLE from Febbruary 21 (Fri.), 2025. Please refer to the placement Test Manual for more details.
【Deadline for the submission of the registration form】
Please choose classes based on your level notified on the CLE. The deadline for the submission of the registration form is February 21 (Fri.), 2025 16:30. In case the submission is late, we cannot accept the registration form even if you have taken the placement test.