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The theater party of traditional performing arts (BUNRAKU)[9月 14,2010 ]


The theater party of traditional performing arts (BUNRAKU) [only in Japanese]

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Indonesia-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture (Japanese Only)[2月 16,2010 ]


Indonesia-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture (Japanese Only)

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Italy-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture (Japanese Only)[5月 19,2009 ]


Italy-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture (Japanese Only)

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An ex post facto report on “Viet Nam-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture” (Japanese only)[5月 14,2009 ]


An ex post facto report on “Viet Nam-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture” (Japanese o […]

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Viet Nam-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture[1月 23,2009 ]


Viet Nam-Japan Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture Diversification of Japanese Language Education in Vi […]

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An ex post facto report on “International Symposium on Educational Cooperation between Thailand and Japan” (Japanese only)[5月 08,2008 ]


An ex post facto report on “International Symposium on Educational Cooperation between Thailand and Japa […]

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International Symposium on Educational Cooperation between Thailand and Japan (Japanese Only)[2月 26,2008 ]


International Symposium on Educational Cooperation between Thailand and Japan (Japanese Only)

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Forum on Educational Situation Abroad[9月 26,2007 ]


A forum on educational situation abroad was held. Date: September 26‚ 2007Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pmTopic: &# […]

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Site Visit by the External Review Panel (Japanese only)[3月 31,2006 ]


Site Visit by the External Review Panel (Japanese only)

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Open Lecture (March 9) Japanese Language Education in USA (Japanese only)[2月 10,2005 ]


Open Lecture (March 9) Japanese Language Education in USA (Japanese only)

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