



Visit to Buddhist Sculpture Studio for the Practical Japanese Course Students[6月 29,2016 ]


DATE: June 28, 2016 SITE: Seizansha (Otushi, Shiga) PARTICIPANTS: 26 J Program Students (the Practical Japanes […]

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Field trip (Making authentic Japanese sweets and strolling through the Higashiyama District)[6月 24,2016 ]


The Maple Program students went on their first field trip for the Program’s spring semester as part of their s […]

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Lecture prior to going on a field trip (June 7)[6月 23,2016 ]


A lecture prior to going on a field trip was held for the Maple students on June 7 at the CJLC Hall. This year […]

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Lecture Meeting of Former J Program Students[6月 13,2016 ]


On June7, we held a lecture meeting for J program students, inviting four former students studying or working […]

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Seminar course in interpretation & translation for the Practical Japanese Course Students[5月 26,2016 ]


DATE: May 17 & 24, 2016 SITE: CJLC Hall & the University’s Interpretation Training Room PARTICIP […]

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First Meeting with Peer Tutors[5月 12,2016 ]


The first meeting with peer tutors and Maple students was held during lunch break on May 12, 2016. One tutor w […]

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Field Trip to Kompira kabuki theater[4月 22,2016 ]


On April 15 and 16, we made a field trip to Kagawa prefecture for seeing Japanese traditional theater performa […]

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Orientation for the Maple Program 2016 Spring Semester[4月 06,2016 ]


Orientation for the Maple Program 2016 Spring Semester was held on April 6. A detailed explanation was given b […]

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The second field trip for the fall semester (Asuka Village)[3月 30,2016 ]


The Maple students went on their second field trip for the Program’s fall semester on January 26, 2016. They m […]

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Lecture prior to going on a field trip (January 19)[3月 30,2016 ]


A lecture prior to going on a field trip was given for the Maple students at the CJLC Hall on January 19. This […]

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