



Visit to the Ozeki Sake-brewing Industry[4月 07,2015 ]


  On January 27, Students of the practical Japanese course visited the Ozeki sake-brewing industry at Nis […]

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Program Orientation[Apr 6, 2015][4月 06,2015 ]


Program Orientation was held on April 6. (in Japanese)

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2-Day Trip to Iga-Ueno and Ise-Shima in Mie Prefecture[4月 01,2015 ]


The Maple Program students went on a 2-day trip from February 18~19 to Iga-Ueno and Ise-Shima in Mie Prefectur […]

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J Program Field Trip to Hiroshima[2月 23,2015 ]


On February 19 and 20, we had a field trip to Hiroshima prefecture for J program students. On the first day we […]

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Study Tour (Chemistry)[2月 23,2015 ]


A study tour was held as a part of the Chemistry Class. DATE: February 13, 2015 SITE: Kansai Photon Science In […]

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J Program Mid-Term Presentations[2月 17,2015 ]


On February 10, a meeting was held for the mid-term presentations by the J program Practical Japanese Course s […]

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The second field trip for the fall semester(January 20, 2015)[2月 04,2015 ]


The Maple students went on their second field trip for the Program’s fall semester on January 20, 2015. They w […]

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Study Tour (Physics)[1月 29,2015 ]


A study tour was held as a part of the Pyshics Class. DATE: January 28, 2015 SITE: AkashiWorks, KAWASAKI Heavy […]

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Lecture prior to going on a field trip (January 13, 2015)[1月 14,2015 ]


A lecture prior to going on a field trip was given for the Maple students at the CJLC Hall on January 13. This […]

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Maple students receive their pottery[1月 07,2015 ]


The pottery that the Maple students made during their field trip (pottery making) to Tamba last year on Novemb […]

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