



U-Program & G-Program Completion Ceremony[3月 30,2020 ]


Program Completion Ceremony was held on March 10. 53 students of U-Program and 8 students of G-Program had com […]

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J Program Mid-Term Presentations[2月 12,2020 ]


On February 12, a meeting was held for the mid-term presentations by the J program students.     &nb […]

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Visit to Karahori Area for the Practical Japanese Course Students[2月 12,2020 ]


DATE: January 14, 2020 SITE: Karahori Area (Chuoku, Osakashi, Osaka) PARTICIPANTS: 8 J Program Students (the P […]

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Experiencing a Kyogen play[2月 04,2020 ]


As in the previous year, on January 14, the Maple Program invited professor YAMAMOTO Hirokazu and Professor IZ […]

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Lecture prior to Experiencing Kyogen[2月 04,2020 ]


A lecture about Kyogen was given to the 79 Maple students at the CJLC Hall on January 7, 2020. They will be ex […]

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Visit to Ozeki Corporation for the Practical Japanese Course Students[1月 16,2020 ]


DATE:  November 12, 2019 SITE:  Ozeki Corporation (Nishinomiyashi, Hyogo) PARTICIPANTS: 8 J Program Students ( […]

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Maple students receive their pottery (Tamba-yaki pottery)[12月 20,2019 ]


The potteries that the Maple students had made during their field trip (pottery making) on Oct 29th, 2019 were […]

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A study tour to Okayama[12月 09,2019 ]


On November 27-28, 2019, we conducted a field trip to Okayama Prefecture, where 75 Maple Program students part […]

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Lecture prior to going on a study tour[12月 09,2019 ]


The Maple Program provided field trips to Okayama Prefecture on November 27-28, 2019. A lecture was given at t […]

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Study Trip 2019(Fall-Winter terms)[12月 03,2019 ]


We made a study trip to Fukui prefecture from November 27 (Wed.) to 28 (Thu.), 2019. 38 international students […]

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