HomeGeneral InfoClasses

General Info


(1) Semesters

There are two semesters each year: spring and summer semester (April 1 to September 30) and fall and winter semester (October 1 to March 31 of the following year). Classes are given for 30 weeks a year (37 weeks a year for some programs): 15 weeks each in spring-summer and fall-winter semesters.

(2) Class meeting times

There are five 90-minute time periods, each day from Monday to Friday.


Class meeting times

1st Period

a.m.08:50 – 10:20

2nd Period

p.m.010:30 – 12:00

3rd Period

p.m.01:30 – 03:00

4th Period

p.m. 03:10 – 04:40

5th Period

p.m. 04:50 – 06:20


(3)Credit hours

According to the type of course, credit hours are prescribed as follows:




Class:15 credit hours

Private study:
30 credit hours




30 credit hours

Private study:
15 credit hours

(4)Cancellation of classes

Cancellation of a class will be announced on the bulletin board near the office of the CJLC Office. Be sure to check the bulletin board before attending a class. When the instructor in charge does not appear in the classroom within 30 minutes from the start time of the class and there is no cancellation notice on the bulletin board, please contact the CJLC Office and follow its instructions.
Classes may be cancelled when public transportation service is suspended or a storm warning is issued. Please refer to the “Guidelines for Cancellation of Classes in Case of Suspension of Major Public Transportation Service or Issue of Storm Warning” to see whether classes will be cancelled.

(5)Supplementary classes

Supplementary classes may be held to make up for a delay in progress or a cancelled class. Information on supplementary classes will be given directly by the instructor in charge and posted on the bulletin board.


In the Intensive Japanese Programs offered by the CJLC, if the attendance rate of a student falls below 80%, the student will not be able to successfully complete the course. If you will be or were absent from a class through unavoidable circumstances, you must submit a Notice Report of Absence to the CJLC Office, where Notice Report of Absence forms are available. The Notice Report of Absence must be submitted before such absence or at least one week after it, along with evidence to prove the unavoidability.

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