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Japanese Studies Program [J]

J Program Field Trip to Matsuyama [3月 21,2012 ]

On February 21 and 22, we made a field trip to Matsuyama city of Ehime prefecture located in Shikoku island. We went there via Shimanami Kaido Expressway, visiting Oyamadumi shrine and its museum in Omishima island on the way.
At Matsuyama we first saw the Dogo-onsen-honkan (Dogo hot spring main public bath) and the places around that. Many of the students took a bath in the Honkan and enjoyed the Onsen. Next day we visited the Matsuyama castle. There was a room visitors could put on replica armors and helmets freely and some students tried it there.
According to the questionnaires collected after the trip, 100% students evaluated this trip positively. One student was so impressed by the city that s/he wrote s/he hoped to live there someday.


















































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